New Moon - New Choice

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 Tomorrow's New Moon in Capricorn - Jan 16/17 (depending on where you live)  -  provides us with a chance to shift gears and begin setting clear  intentions and resolutions for 2018. 

We have had a bit of a reprieve - in terms of those New Years resolutions - as the energy cycle of the last year has still been slowly winding down.  In the past few weeks - Pluto has brought  endings/losses and issues  that needed to be settled and let go of - particularly around grieving losses - old attachments - money issues. Relationship stuff.  Melancholy is part of Saturn's realm.  Feelings have run deep -  be careful not to drown in them. They are gateways to new beginnings. 


This New Moon and the following Full Moon eclipse on Jan 31st -  are clear markers of the  shift to a new cycle.  It's time to begin to move on - a new day is dawning and there is a LOT of impetus to move forward (Mars Jupiter). It's time to get real and get er done.  

Despite the  sense of pressure building,  the planets that in the process of changing signs will be shifting us into a more yin- grounded -  feeling and security based orientation. The last few years have been pretty intense and fiery - hopefully these shifts will mellow things a little. 

For now - we can use the traction  from Mars Jupiter to get going - but remember - Saturn's message is that we need to take things one step at a time.  First we must get  our internal house in order, so we can step into the world with clarity and equanimity.  Do what it takes to find closure around any lingering emotional issues that are holding you back  - in preparation for the wave of new energy coming in.  

Inner changes can become outer realities.

The Ruler of the New Moon is Saturn - in its home sign of Capricorn. A Capricorn New Moon with Saturn means new projects. New responsibilities. New structures. New rules. 

New Moon = New Cycle  

Andres Jauregui The Huffington Post

 First - we need to get grounded!

Capricorn Key words : Hard working - grounded- determination- resolute - social status - success- seriousness - ambitious, intelligent - steady. Deep emotions - cards held close to chest - not easily read.   Governments- authority- patriarchy.

Saturn deals with structures - boundaries - limitations - karma - responsibility - maturity - mastery.

Together with Sun and Moon: Get er done! Ability to thrive in difficult circumstances. Karmic reckoning. Facing the music. Taking responsibility. Growing up. Planning and implementing projects. One step at a time.

Neptune adds inspiration and creativity to help us make our dreams real. Although discipline  may be required  -  it can also be fun.   Smile - as you prepare the soil and plant your seeds of intention. Let it be so.

                                  You know you want to!

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