Shine Shine Shine

 Over the weekend- the Moon in Leo crosses over the North Node - activating a wonderful and auspicious Grand Trine in the Fire signs. The Grand Trine (three planets at  equal angles to each other) creates an easy flow of energy that pulses with positive uplifting energy. That Triangle then links to the Sun, Jupiter,  and Mercury - creating what is called a Kite formation, bringing a focus on BIG IDEAS, and BIG PLANS  (and also BIG MOUTHS)  as the  need for communication and self expression goes a bit OTT. 

If you've got plans or visions of the future, try not to overwhelm others with it all. Enjoy this feeling of confidence, it will help you move toward their fulfillment. But try not to force things (Pluto).  This is BIG energy -  give people a little space. 

Many of us will eagerly latch on to that Jupitarian blast- as we are all sore need of encouragement right now. Its a great time to be teaching or learning something. Try not to be all knowing - and at the same time - stay open to others points of view.  And if you feel like you've been driving with the brakes on-   due to Mars(action/energy) - being blocked by Saturn (rules/limits/restrictions) - things should start to get better around Thursday's New Moon.  With Uranus (the awakener) involved in a significant way - something may suddenly shift. In fact- you can count on it!

In the meantime -   it's been hard to go slow with Jupiter and Uranus revving us up in the background and urging us to move and grow and change - yet somehow the way has not yet been clear. Or it's clear - but we just haven't quite had the energy. If you've been going two steps forward – one step back -  don't worry – that is all about to shift.  Patience required . Help is on the way!

The fire element is about inspiration, creativity and enthusiasm. The North Node of the Moon shows us where we need to focus to align with the current zeitgeist. Leo - ruled by the Sun - is about the heart, and activates our need to shine in this life. Attune yourself to your heart - and trust that all will be well.

This Grand Trine has been in the background for several months – and was part of the August Solar Eclipse that activated powerful upheaval and change. I mentioned at the time how the eclipse path across the whole of United States would bring some sort of majour shake up.  Little did I know! I am not one for predictions – and I certainly feel no satisfaction in watching as one disaster after another destabilizes so many lives. But it does make one think maybe there's a reason people used to fear eclipses.

There continues to be a strong need now to align ourselves with our highest purpose (represented by the North Node of the Moon). This is a good time to tune into the Moon as it reactivates that still potent eclipse energy field. I didn't sleep much around the eclipse. I wonder if I will tonight.   

In the midst of so much global chaos (and particularly in NA)  - we are being called to step up and lend a hand.  Many are in survival mode right now (Pluto). There has never been a better time to align with our personal best and shine our light into this world. It needs it. We need it. You know that saying about how it takes a village to raise a child? Well it also takes many candles to light that village.

As the Moon crosses over the fixed star Regulus – which sits at the heart of Leo – it stirs up our natural need for leadership and personal sovereignty - to help us face whatever it is we may be dealing with.  Its too easy to wait for someone else to fix things.  Why wait. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.

Regulus was on the eclipse point from August 21st - where we were blasted forward at hyper speed. Tonight’s golden moonbeams once again light up our innate beauty and magnificence – and activate the generousity and courage of the Lion – so we can become Lion Hearted. 

When the Moon moves into Virgo later today (Sunday)  – it will help us focus in on the many details we have to contend with as we deal with whatever lies in front of us.  We will need to discern (Virgo) where to invest our emotional energy (Moon). Virgo wants to help-  and will get us organized - if nothing else. 

In the midst of many tasks and challenges – we are remindedus once again to take responsibility (Saturn)  for what we are creating in our own life  - and to never forget who we are and why we came here (NN). Both Saturn in Sagittarius - and Jupiter are about finding the meaning of Life and the meaning in life. Jupiter - now in Scorpio - says we must  to go deep to find it. We will grow bigger and better as we do. 

The stars are telling us that even in our darkest hour- there is always a light shining. Somewhere. Somehow. 
Maybe it is you! 

P.S. There is a New Moon in Libra on Thursday. I’ll be back in a day or so to look at how that will activate powerful interpersonal dynamics and herald even more change. The message of Libra is always to seek balance and harmony even in the midst of change. Seek middle ground. Find the beauty.

As  we move toward the dark of the Moon (Tues/Wed/Thurs) – take sometime to pause and think about what you want to focus your intentions on for the coming month (New Moon). Use this Leo moonbeam to align with your heart and read the poetry written there. Let that be your guide.
