Limitations vs Limiting Beliefs

Today Saturn is at a right angle (90 degree - square) to both Venus (love) and Mars (action). This is the day where some might perceive their cup as half empty (Infosys on the empty)

 We may feel stymied, frustrated, blocked in some way. Squares require  'adjustment'  as we work learn ways to work with and around the tension, and we develop forbearance, tenacity and endurance in the process. It's a bit like lifting weights. Every time you do so - the  muscle is being stressed or torn inside - which then triggers the body to repair itself -  creating even stronger muscle. As we work with challenginges  - use them to get even stronger. Accept limitations - but don't be limited by them.

With Saturn at a right angles (90 degree - square) to both Venus (love) and Mars (action) we may feel stymied, frustrated, blocked in some way. Squares require ' adjustment' as we work with the tension, and we develop forbearance, tenacity and endurance in the process. Accept limitations - but don't be limited by them.

Do be careful not to push too hard - on yourself or others. Mars/Saturn can be cruel. Venus /Saturn can get depressed. Good day to ease up and take things as gently as you can.

The Moon in Taurus reminds us to take good care of ourselves. Find ways to get your needs met in a realistic way. Get a massage. Go for a walk in nature. Eat some delicious nurturing food. Find ways to appreciate the goodness in  your life,  even as you face challenges. 

You know you want to!

P.s. This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada - where we give thanks for the bounty in our lives. Focus on the cup half full - and it will become full to overflowing.
