
Showing posts from September, 2014

Autumn Equinox: Weighing all things to make them Equal

The Autumn Equinox falls on September 23  rd  this year. This is the yearly moment when the Moon and Sun will be once again be together (conjunct) in Libra, the sign of the scales.   Amongst other things, those scales represent the equal day and equal night of the Equinox.  At this time we can take a pause in our busy-ness to reflect on our life and express gratitude for all we have been given. Whether a little or a lot(everything is relative), each of us has exactly what we need to grow and develop into the best that we can be. Both Neptune and Chiron were linked to the last New and Full Moons. Many people I know have been dealing with health crisis’ that took them by surprise. My housemate had a series of small strokes and is going in this weekend for surgery. Another has been sidetracked by sciatica. I had  health issues kicking up as well, and I know of several others. Both those Moons connected in Virgo, which rules our health, and both Chiron and Neptun

Mars in Sagittarius

I am a bit under the weather so this will be short and sweet. The main news is that Mars, warrior planet of desire and action, has moved into Sagittarius, the cosmic adventurer and Seeker of Truth! This weekend Mars sits opposite the Moon in Gemini and Squared to Neptune in Pisces. This will cause some consternation,  as on one hand, we feel let out of school now that Mars has left the intensity and pressure of Scorpio. On the other hand, despite being fired up in Sagittarius, our drive to action is being undermined by a Neptunian fog.  This can amplify our compassion for other's suffering and will certainly deflate a few egos, just not so great for charging ahead and having adventures as Mars in Sag is wont to do. When Neptune and Mars combine this way there can sometimes be sneakiness and passive aggressive type behaviour because Mars feels unable to act directly. Moon (feelings) opposite Mars (aggression) is a bit testy, while Moon square Neptune (the infinite universe)

Harvest Moon: Bringing order out of Confusion

On Monday we have a Full Moon in Pisces, sitting opposite the Sun in Virgo. It is the third and final Super Moon (closest to the earth) and will appear very large on the horizon.  This is the time of the harvest, where the wheat is separated from the chaff.  The Moon is our intuitive feeling self, while the Sun is our conscious logical function.  As the Moon in watery Pisces washes us with cosmic vibrations, our intuition, dreams and our creativity will be highly active. This energy can also blur reality and make it hard to discern what is real and what is not. Our activated imagination will draw some to escape the confines of the physical three dimensional world. This can lead to  addictions as well as supreme creative output. Many an artist struggles to avoid the first while they access the latter. Many fail. Virgo on the other hand, is all about discernment.  Virgo is fussy and fastidious and organized, and wants us to focus on the practicalities of life. We  will be

A Little Perspective
